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Entries in international womens' day (1)


International Womens' Day -- Women in Theatre and Art

This morning, The Public asked on its Twitter feed: "On this International Womens' Day, a big shout out to all the amazing women in theatre. Which have inspired you?" Even in the very few months that MFb has been around, we've had the opportunity to work with some amazing women theatre artists, both on and off the stage: designers Kate Freer, Jesca Prudencio, Katherine Ramos, and Emily Peterson; composer Stephanie Johnstone; directors Jaclyn Backhaus and Zoe Farmingdale; dramaturg Tracy Cameron-Francis; choreographer Ani Niemann; stage hands and board ops Laura Merforth and Lauren Kennedy; publicist Jenn de la Vega; graphic designer Kei Kreutler; future-super-producer Maggie Baker; writer Janani Sreenivasan; and actors Corrie Pond, Carmen King, Catherine Mueller, Heather Paradise, Erin Patricia Wagner, Jari Majewski, Liz Alderfer, Ellie Famutimi, Sanaz Ghajarrahimi, Claire Rothrock, Jessie Barr, Kate Weber, Jo Lampert, Saffron Wayman, Jennifer Luong, Antonia Lema, Heather Christian, Kate Weber, Molly McAdoo, Lea Tolub, Kara Durrett, Kristen Connolly, and Liz Wisan. PHEW! That's a LOT of really talented women-- and so many of them are multi-talented, writers and directors, designers and actors, dancers and musicians. 

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